Why Us

- They are many companies that offer tours in Barcelona and Catalonia, why to book a tour with us?
- I am a native Barcelonian and grew up in the city, so I know not only its history and art but also the People�s culture and mentality.
- I am professional licensed guide (GT-002388) with more than 20 years experience.
- Only official guides and their clients have priority access to Museums and Monuments: NO waiting in lines for hours!! Official guides have university degree and have passed a difficult exam to probe their knowledge about art, history, economics, culture and museums, warranty of quality of their explanations. Licensed guides update their knowlegde, pay taxes and respect all legal requirements.
- Accordling to Law requirements, only licensed guides are authorised to guide in Heritage sites and museums.
- I am specialized in Spanish Jewish History and Heritage and member of the Asociaci�n Espa�ola de Estudios Hebreos y Jud�os (Spanish Association of Hebrew and Jewish Studies) and RASGO certified (Caminos de Sefarad), participating in conferences and updating my knowledge about our Jewish Heritage.
- I am an active member of the local Jewish Community nowadays, so I can tell you about our past but also about what�s going on in the Jewish Community of Barcelona Today.
- And, besides all that, I am passionate about my city and our culture, and I would love to share this passion with you!!
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Accordling to the Spanish provisions of Law 15/1999 of December 13, of Personal Data Protection (hereinafter LOPD), SHALOM SEPHARAD and Susana Solé, with NIF 52621496A, informs you that the data you provide us, or the one that is collected through our email or our website can be included in a personal data file registered in the Spanish Data Protection Agency. The file belongs to SHALOM SEPHARAD and Susana Solé and the purpose of the file is to help us to answer your demands and inform you about the services we can provide you. Responses to questions about personal data are voluntary, except in the fields where is noted otherwise. You agree that all information supplied is true and accurate. The data provided may be used for internal management of commercial or business contacts who request information or those with whom a business relationship is maintained. Please, note that the data processing will comply with the obligations established in the current legislation of personal data protection in Spain always. You are entitled to access this information, rectify it if the data is wrong, to unsubscribe from the file and oppose to the data processing of your personal data by written request to the email address info@shalomsepharad.com