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SITGES, a little cannes in the southern coast of Barcelona, a place chosen by the 19th century burgeoisie
to spend their vacation and home town of Raimon BacardÃ, founder of the famous Bacardi rum. Mr.
Bacardà and other adventourous young men and women left Sitges to the America's at the end of the
19th century, coming back with an important fortune and building beautiful residences at the sea front.
Charles Deering, the agricultural equipment manufacturer and art collector, bought a Palace and some
fishermen houses to open an Art Center in this little town.
Currently Sitges as a beautiful ancien downtown, characterized by its white and blue houses, lively shops
and host important cultural events such the Festival de cinema Fantastic de Sitges or El Carnaval de
This tour can be combined with the visit to Montserrat and its Monastery or The wine region of El Penedés, becoming a full day tour.